The Environment
Surface Protections products were designed with the environment in mind!
It all started with the need to protect Super Yachts from degrading. Sun radiation, salt water and microorganisms eat away the materials. To stop this process we invented a special formula that could shield the expensive materials from the elements.
Our products are protecting the environment at several levels. First there is the preservation aspect. Things “get old” due to wear and tear, but also due to corrosive processes. By applying an invisible coat, these things will last longer, look better and we reduce waste.
The next aspect is that we reduce wash cycles. Less washing of cars, planes, boats means we save millions of liters of water, we avoid more tensides (detergents used in car or truck washing) in the water. Then there is the environmentally friendly production of the product itself. We use Silica – basically beach sand – which is one of the most abundant elements on earth. This is not only friendly in terms of using earths limited resources, but it is also an element that is biodegradable, since Silica will erode through the forces of kinetics back into it’s original state.

Clean surfaces - clean conscience

Care hygiene
All surfaces in a clinic can be treated
Bacteria and viruses do not stick to a treated surface, they cannot then form colonies
Clean smartly and environmentally conscious with less or no chemicals

All surfaces in an arena can be treated
The edge, plexiglass, showers, toilets and more
We have knowledge of smart and environmentally conscious cleaning and treatment for difficult surfaces!

All surfaces in a wet area can be treated
Toilets, sinks, walls, floors and more
Clean smartly and environmentally conscius with less or no cleaning agents