THE Technology
It saves valuable resources and is therefore the perfect product for our planet.
The Core Elements
The core element is Silica (Si-14). This is one of the two most abundant elements on earth. 59% of the earth crust contains silica. The other core element is Titanium (Ti-22). Both are part of the formula and give the product it’s strength and environmental properties. The surface gains a unique shine from the mineral (silica) and the force from the metal (titanium).
The Formula
The proprietary – secret – formula uses physical forces rather than a chemical chain reaction. Through a special process the silica and titanium molecules are modified in such a way that they attach easily to any surface. This happens through the Van der Waals-forces.
The surface structure does not change. Layering up is impossible. The Technology allows to create a perfectly smooth surface.
Environmentally friendly
Our products are environmentally friendly at several levels. Not only in the production process. The elements we use are abundant on earth. They dissolve back into their natural state. We created a concentrated formula to avoid the transportation of heavy weight and therefore reducing the carbon footprint during shipping. Read more
The Effect
Yhe products will shield any material or object against the environment, aging and other damaging influences. Protection against: dirt, sun radiation in form of UV-A and UV-B rays, alkaline and acid compounds (like bird droppings, tree resins, pollen, etc.). Resistant against temperatures from -40 °C up to +300 °C (-40°F – 572°F).
Clean surfaces - clean conscience

Care hygiene
All surfaces in a clinic can be treated
Bacteria and viruses do not stick to a treated surface, they cannot then form colonies
Clean smartly and environmentally conscious with less or no chemicals

All surfaces in an arena can be treated
The edge, plexiglass, showers, toilets and more
We have knowledge of smart and environmentally conscious cleaning and treatment for difficult surfaces!

All surfaces in a wet area can be treated
Toilets, sinks, walls, floors and more
Clean smartly and environmentally conscius with less or no cleaning agents