
Vida Arena,  Halmstads Djurklinik,  Accesia AB,  Catena Arena, Hatstore Arena and more …


How Suface Protection is used in many industries

How IT is giving solar panels an efficiency boost!

Globally only 25% of our energy comes from renewable energy sources. We consume energy in form of electricity, transport and heating. Most renewable technologies feed the electricity grid, since transport and heating rely heavily on carbon-based energy sources. It is much harder to decarbonize these. Electric cars are one way to create a shift, but we are still far from an ideal balance.

Within this renewable energy mix we have solar technology. This energy source only contributes with 1% to the mix. This is still an astonishing 1.000 terawatt-hours! (Source:

Clean surfaces - clean conscience

Care hygiene

All surfaces in a clinic can be treated

Bacteria and viruses do not stick to a treated surface, they cannot then form colonies

Clean smartly and environmentally conscious with less or no chemicals


All surfaces in an arena can be treated

The edge, plexiglass, showers, toilets and more

We have knowledge of smart and environmentally conscious cleaning and treatment for difficult surfaces!


All surfaces in a wet area can be treated

Toilets, sinks, walls, floors and more

Clean smartly and environmentally conscius with less or no cleaning agents

Extend the life of your Favorites